Friday, October 30, 2009

In Which I Display My Ignorance (Yet Again)

Tonight I appear to be two for two on the parental stupidity front.  First, it took me an apparently unreasonable length of time to figure out that the "cup holder for books" that Jane was repeatedly describing (with increasing irritation at my lack of comprehension) was, in fact, a FOLDER.  I admit that you can use it to hold a book in the way that a cup holder holds a cup - but I personally think the analogy is a bit thin. 
After resolving the cup-holder-for-books issue, I promptly had the following exchange with Claire:

Claire:  "Mom, how much is the United States Mint worth?"
Me:  "I don't know."
Claire:  "Well, you should."
Me:  "What?"
Claire:  "You should know that.  All grown-ups do."
Me: (silent)

I found this conversation eerily similar to the one we had about Bikini Atoll in January.  I'm a bit concerned that she's onto my lack of qualifications for the job of "grown up."