Monday, October 21, 2013

Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Those of you who know Don know that he insists on using a flip phone that was developed around 1987.  (See photo).  This, not surprisingly, renders him the subject of much disparagement from friends and family alike. 

Claire, our resident comedian (and devotee of her own, more high-tech cell phone as well as all Chuck Norris jokes), issued an incessant stream of phone-related insults this weekend.  For some reason, strolling around Newport, Rhode Island seemed to bring out her best, geeky one-liners.  They included the following:

"Dad, does your phone run on stored power from the Big Bang?"

"Hey Dad – was your phone invented by the ancient Sumerians?"

"I’m pretty sure Dad’s phone preceded the creation of the wheel."

"When homo-habilus went to the place between two rivers, they found Dad’s phone."

And, in homage to Newport (est. circa 1639), “What's older, Dad?  These buildings or your phone?”

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our Life is a Fairy Tale. Sort of.

The other day I walked into the kitchen and was amazed to see that one of the kids had filled up our "jobs" whiteboard with tasks.  For a split second, I actually believed my children had become so responsible that they were now assigning chores to themselves.

A closer examination revealed, of course, that no such thing had happened.  Instead, I found this "anonymous" note, which addresses a familiar theme:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Contributing Editor

Claire continues her efforts to ensure that this blog remains current.  Most recently, she texted me this picture of a reminder note that she had left for me, which Jane apparently edited.  Claire's text said, "I see a future blog post!"

The note was accompanied by this exchange, which confirms that my response rate to her text remains sub-par:

And, lastly, let's enjoy whatever remaining time we have with a phonetic speller in the house.  So enoing, but they do eventually learn to spell correctly.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


On the way to school this morning, Claire was being particularly argumentative.  Don was driving.  I was mainly arguing with Claire.  Margot was unusually quiet.  Then she handed me this (which will immediately take its place in the annals of Wiest-ette notes):

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Poster Child for Reading

This is a recent email from the Boston Public Library Foundation.  Note the reader who is prominently featured on the right.  Claire is now the actual poster child for reading in Boston.  Given her history, this is beyond perfect.