Friday, June 24, 2011

Don't Mess with Kit Kittredge

In which Margot achieves limited success in her efforts to harass - and, if that fails, confuse - her sisters:

Margot (in response to an unidentified affront):  "Oh, now look what you did!  Kit Kittredge is going to smack your baby."

Jane: "No, she can't.  Anyway, my baby will tell me if Kit tries to smack her."

Margot (smacking baby with Kit's hand):  "That baby can't tell you, because she can't talk."

Jane:  "Uh-huh, she can.  She will whisper in my ear, if I take her binky out."

Margot (removing binky and making fake crying noise):  "Ha!  She can't talk.  She can only fake cry."

Jane:  "Margot!  My baby will tell me, and I will tell Kit to stop it RIGHT NOW."

Margot:  "Well, Kit can't hear you.  She's not even real."

Jane:   [puzzled silence]