Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Responsible Dogs

Let me start by noting that Jane is on a bit of a roll this week.  She has continued with near-hourly requests that I order her a baby sister, and responded with outright fury when she realized I'd actually given away almost all of our baby things ("Mommy!  I'm so mad at you.  You should not give our baby things away.  The baby sister is not going to have any bottles now!  She needs diapers!  She needs pacifiers!") 
She did, however, take a brief break from the topic of the hoped-for baby sister to engage in the following discussion:
Jane:  "Mommy, remember when I was home with Margot and we were by ourselves without any grown-ups here?" 
Me:  "What are you talking about?  You and Margot have never been left here with out any grown-ups."

Jane:  "Yes, we were."
Me:  "Who was watching you, then?"
Jane:  "Margot."
Me:  "Who was watching Margot?"
Jane:  "Claire."
Me:  "Ok.  Who was watching Claire?"
Jane:  "Um . . . Ollie?"  (Note:  Ollie is a dog.)
Me:  "Uh-huh.  And who was watching Ollie?"
Jane (triumphantly):  "Hugo!"  (Note:  Hugo is also a dog - although he is probably qualified to watch Ollie.)
Me:  "So, who was watching Hugo?" 
Jane:  "The dishwasher."
Me:  [silence]

Because, really - how am I supposed to respond to that?