Friday, August 14, 2009

Build Your Vocabulary, Jane-Style!

Jane is on a roll with this week's new (erroneous) vocab additions. Highlights:
  • Fake Noodles. After several requests for this baffling item, I finally asked Jane to show me where the "fake noodles" were. She led me to our pantry shelf and pointed to a cookie dish full of FIG NEWTONS.
  • Wrascalin'. This is a combo of "rascal" and "wrestling." As in, "Mommy, the puppies are wrascalin' again!" (Note the dropped "g," which is undoubtedly an homage to her West Virginia heritage.
  • Pokey-tot. Hint: this one is pattern-related. "Mommy, I want to bring the baby in the pokey-tot pajamas." Get it? Polka dot.