Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pajama Time

275Last night we were getting ready to read a chapter from our current bedtime story (The Penderwicks - which I highly recommend.)  I asked the girls to put their pajamas and then come to our bedroom when they were ready.  Claire quickly came in wearing in a one-piece swimsuit, a scarf, tights, and a mini-skirt.  Given that my constant mantra is "pick your  battles," I deemed this to be adequate bedtime attire.  Margot promptly followed in a full-length princess dress (with gloves) - also acceptable.

Jane appeared wearing only a bikini.  Given that it is winter, that we live in New England, and that our house is 119 years old and extremely drafty, I had no choice but to veto the bikini.  I told Jane to change into something warmer.  She refused.  I reminded her about the night before, when she had woken up at 3:00 a.m. complaining of being too cold.  She was not persuaded.  I suggested that she'd woken up freezing because of her insistence on sleeping in nothing but a thin, short-sleeved leotard.  She briefly reflected on this point - with some hostility, I think - and then stomped off.

After about five minutes, she came back in wearing the infamous caterpillar suit, with accessories - these being a pair of gold mouse-ears and a princess headdress - and advised that she was now ready for bed.  What could I say?  Add caterpillar-mouse-princess get-up to the list of items that, at 9 Park Lane, qualify as "pajamas."