Margot has supplemented her mystery notes with a new set of notes, which include her real-time recording of various events taking place at 9 Park Lane. Margot apparently now spies on the rest of us, and then records what she's observed. As with the mystery notes, translation is often required - not only to interpret the words themselves, but also to establish the proper context.
The above note contains a relatively detailed recitation of the activities of the subject (Jane), as observed by the spy (Margot). Yet, absent explanation, the significance of this document as a "spy note" might not be clear. For example, an uninformed reader may foolishly assume that a "spy" should be hidden from the view of her subject. Not so! In fact, the opposite is true: as this note demonstrates, it is entirely possible to spy on someone while sitting together in the the same room. The trick, apparently, is to pretend to play with the subject - soon enough she will be lulled into performing some noteworthy act (such as lying down and muttering.)