Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A-hunting We Will Go

Jane:  "Mommy, I have a really great idea."
Me: "What is it?"
Jane:  "Let's go hunting for dead animals."
Me:  "Did you say dead animals?"
Jane:  "Yes.  We can go in the woods and hunt for small dead animals.  Like chipmunks."
Me:  "I am not sure I want to do that."
Jane:  "No, Mom, it will be so fun!  If we find some small dead animals, then we can bring them back and stuff them up.  Then we can play with them!  Like stuffed animals, but real."
Me:  [Silence]

I can't help but wonder whether Jane is secretly related to The Bloggess - I love them both, so it makes a weird kind of sense.