Friday, February 10, 2012

Share, Share Alike (Or Not)

The other day I walked into Margot's room and noticed a Polly Pocket mermaid tail lying on the floor.

Me:  "Margot, whose is this?  Jane has been looking for a Polly Pocket mermaid tail."

Margot:  "Oh, that's mine.  Jane has been talking about it because she has an Ariel Polly Pocket, but she lost the tail - so she can't use it as a mermaid.  You know how she's obsessed with mermaids."

Me: [nodding]

Margot:  "Actually . . . I'm not really using it so much.  And Jane does love mermaids, and she does really, really want a tail for her Ariel Polly Pocket . . ."

Me:  [waiting]

Margot:  "So . . . too bad for her.  It's mine."