Monday, September 12, 2011

Economics, Margot-Style

The topic of loose (and lost) teeth is a popular one at our house, and it has spawned a corollary discussion about how to get more from the Tooth Fairy than the single "gold coin" (i.e., Susan B. Anthony dollar) that she usually leaves.  Of the three girls, Margot has the greatest strategic vision on this topic.  For example, she recently wrote a note on Jane's behalf asking the Tooth Fairy to leave Jane "a plastic lizard or other small toy, or,  if you don't have that, five dollars."  (Disappointingly, the Tooth Fairy left . . . one gold coin.)

Undeterred, Margot continues to formulate her teeth-related money-making schemes, the latest of which appears to be a sort of forced savings plan (which may relate to her attempts to save up for a second American Girl doll . . . she has put aside $47 so far.)  She described the new plan as follows:

"I've decided to save up all the rest of the teeth I lose and put them in a jar that says "Please, Tooth Fairy, don't take my teeth.  When I lose all of my teeth, I'll put the whole jar under my pillow with a note that says, "Okay, you can take all of my teeth now."  Then the Tooth Fairy will leave me tons of money.  You know, you really can't even but a Polly Pocket with a gold coin - but with all of my teeth, I could buy another American Girl doll."