Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson (Not) Learned - Part II

Fashionista in a cabbage-leaf hat
Several of you have asked if Claire ever executed a follow up prank.  She did.  I learned of it when I went to get myself a glass of orange juice - and did a double-take because the juice looked sort of weird and greenish.  I then noticed that the milk also looked wrong (it was a bright, sort of kelly green), and that the water pitcher was full of something looked like water - except for the fact that it was dark red . . . You get the drift.

My mother (unwisely, in my view) chose to support this new obsession  while we were on vacation in Michigan.  I know this because I overheard her say things like, "Jane, what color do you want in your milk?" and "Margot, does that lemonade look orange enough?"  Thanks, Mom!

p.s.  Thanks for the many notes (complaints?) about the appalling shortage of blog posts in July and August - and, yes, Legia, this includes you, even though you sent yours via a third party.  :)  I've truly been in summer mode, but will try to get back on my game.