Monday, July 27, 2009

Spy Notes

Margot has supplemented her mystery notes with a new set of notes, which include her real-time recording of various events taking place at 9 Park Lane. Margot apparently now spies on the rest of us, and then records what she's observed. As with the mystery notes, translation is often required - not only to interpret the words themselves, but also to establish the proper context.

The above note contains a relatively detailed recitation of the activities of the subject (Jane), as observed by the spy (Margot). Yet, absent explanation, the significance of this document as a "spy note" might not be clear. For example, an uninformed reader may foolishly assume that a "spy" should be hidden from the view of her subject. Not so! In fact, the opposite is true: as this note demonstrates, it is entirely possible to spy on someone while sitting together in the the same room. The trick, apparently, is to pretend to play with the subject - soon enough she will be lulled into performing some noteworthy act (such as lying down and muttering.)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fact of the Day

From Claire, on the way to day camp this morning: "Mommy, did you know that a brown dwarf is vastly smaller than the sun, yet quite a bit larger than Jupiter?"

Live and learn.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New additions to the Wiest-ette Vocab List

0703 189
Originally uploaded by Carrie Fletcher & Don Wiest

In connection with last week's Independence Day festivities, one of Jane's preschool teachers added a picture of an American flag to the class calendar. We learned about this when Jane announced that Farah had "put the Magic Flag on the calicounter."

Margot also added a new word (or, more accurately, a new useage) to the list this week. Jane was telling a relatively long story and apparently lost her train of thought, saying "it was because . . . because . . . because . . ." until Margot exclaimed, "Jane! Stop that sputtering!"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Argument Against Keeping Jane

Margot apparently wants to return to our pre-Jane status as a family of four. The reason, however, is not one that you'd likely guess. (Hint: we think the chair is meant to be used in a lion-tamer way).

Margot: "Dad, I wish we didn't have Jane."
Don: "Why is that, Margot?"
Margot: "Well, if there were wolves in the walls, and they came through, we could each hold a leg of a chair."