Friday, September 25, 2009

Wiest-ette Vocab List

The Wiest-ette vocab list continues to grow, with Jane emerging as the leading contributor. It is, however, taking up too much blog-related real estate, so I am moving it from the sidebar to an actual post, which I'll continue to update. The entire list is below, with the newest item being "matilda." I am pleased to note that this useage has also been adopted by Jane's friend Louisa. The two of them routinely enjoy a matilda-related treat after their Thursday ballet class.

Wiest-ette Vocab List
  • bagiant = vagina (Jane). Most effective use requires shouting this word, preferably in a grocery store or other public place -- e.g., "Mommy, you SEE my ba-GIANT??"
  • belly suit = bathing suit. This appears to reflect the fact that one's belly is covered by a one-piece swimsuit. But it also involves some confusion with "ballet suit" (a/k/a "leotarn.")
  • calicounter = calendar (Jane)
  • diamond room = dining room (Jane)
  • fake noodles = Fig Newtons (Jane). You can't imagne the confusion this one caused before we finally figured it out.
  • fighterman = spiderman (Margot)
  • fire executioner = fire extinguisher (Claire)
  • leotarn = leotard (Claire)
  • matilda = Nutella. As in, "Can I have Matilda on my popover?" (Jane)
  • Magic Flag = American Flag (Jane)
  • meaniac = one who is mean (All 3)
  • nike (rhymes with bike) = nightgown (Jane). We think this is from her mis-hearing "nightgown" as "nike on"
  • nufkin = nothing, i.e., the opposite of "sumpkin" (Jane)
  • pokey-tot = polka dot (Jane)
  • president = present (Jane). As in "I opened my birthday presidents yesterday."
  • rudiecat = a person who behaves rudely (e.g., "MOM! Margot is being a rudiecat.")
  • sumpkin = something, i.e., the opposite of "nufkin" (Jane)
  • sun roof = sun room (Claire). As in, "Mommy, can you get the beach toys out of the sun roof so we can take them with us?"
  • sunbird = sunburn (Jane)
  • wash closet = washcloth (Jane)
  • wrascalin' = rascal + wrestling (Jane). As in, "the puppies are wrascalin' again!"