Sunday, February 15, 2009

That WOULD be Bad

Margot, being an incredible drama queen, was recently howling and sobbing over a lost toy. After 10 straight minutes of this, having lost my patience with her, I said, "Margot! Losing a toy is not something that should make you hysterical. There are many things that are worse than misplacing a Polly Pockets doll, so stop all this fussing and whining." The sobbing immediately ceased, and Margot commented in a somber voice, "Right, Mommy - like dying. Dying is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone, isn't it?" As I pondered how to respond, the following dialogue ensued:

Claire: "Dying is not the worst thing that could happen to someone."
Margot (stares at Claire in shocked silence)
Margot (with disbelief): "What?! What's worse than dying?"
Claire (darkly): "Being born in HELL."