Saturday, February 2, 2013


Jane has been obsessively watching a series of nature documentaries and has developed a keen interest in animal husbandry.  Practical child that she is, her focus seems to be on the logistics.

Jane:  "How do cows have sex?"
Me:  [leaving this one to Don]
Don:  "Um, like most animals.  The male gets up on top of the female."
Jane (considering):  "Okay.  Do giraffes do it the same way?"
Don:  "Yes, I think so."
Jane:  "But they're so tall!  What if they fall over?"
Don:  "Well, they just have to get up and try it again."
Jane:  "No.  I think they should lie down.  It's safer."

We thought this was the end of the giraffe mating discussion, but it was clearly still weighing on Jane's mind.  The other night at bedtime, this exchange transpired:

Jane:  "Mom, I love you so much.  You're the best mom ever."
Me:  "Jane, thank you - that's so nice.  I love you, too."
Jane:  "Mom?  Don't you really wonder how giraffes mate?"